Archive for the ‘Dental Hygiene’ Category:

Why is Food Catching Between My Teeth? (Part 1)

man flossing food catching

Why is Food Catching Between My Teeth? The short answer is that it does! And counter to what many people believe, it happens whether you have fillings or don’t have fillings in your teeth. Obviously, it would be somewhat unrealistic to expect that teeth were maintenance-free. I carry a toothpick…

This is the most vital dental mantra anyone can follow to prevent the problem altogether 🙌

Whenever plaque and tartar are deposited on teeth as a result of poor brushing habits, they start to appear yellow.So regular brushing is the best antidote for plaque deposits in the mouth. #belledental

Do you have bleeding gums? 🥺

Give #belledental a call today - 4946 9122

Dental fact 👇🦷🥤


Teeth Cleaning

Getting your teeth cleaned is a simple, painless and relatively affordable way to remain in good health. Call us today to make an appointment ☎️ 4946 9122 #belledental


Flossing is an important oral hygiene practice ? Tooth decay and gum disease can develop when plaque is allowed to build up on teeth and along the gum line... Cleaning between teeth removes plaque that can lead to cavities or gum disease from the areas where a toothbrush can't reach #belledental

Have you been sick?

Make sure you change your toothbrush after you've been sick. You should change your toothbrush every 3 months - this is because the bristles break down and loose their effectiveness in getting to all those tricky corners around your teeth. It is also important to change toothbrushes after you've had…

How long has it been since your last dental visit??

Diet & Dental Health

fruit and veg

There used to be a time where making choices around food seemed to be a lot simpler than today. With so many recommendations around food choices, I thought it might be overkill to add a “dental diet” to the list. Instead, I’d like to discuss some simple suggestions around timing…

Flossing – Why its so important!

Flossing is an important oral hygiene practice ? Tooth decay and gum disease can develop when plaque is allowed to build up on teeth and along the gum line... Cleaning between teeth removes plaque that can lead to cavities or gum disease from the areas where a toothbrush can't reach #belledental

Health tip ✨

Make sure you change your toothbrush after you've been sick. You should change your toothbrush every 3 months - this is because the bristles break down and loose their effectiveness in getting to all those tricky corners around your teeth. It is also important to change toothbrushes after you've had…

Flossing is important!

Flossing is an important oral hygiene practice ? Tooth decay and gum disease can develop when plaque is allowed to build up on teeth and along the gum line... Cleaning between teeth removes plaque that can lead to cavities or gum disease from the areas where a toothbrush can't reach.

For more information about our treatments or to book an appointment please don’t hesitate to call us on (02) 4946 9122